Wednesday, April 22, 2009

High Places in Low times

Do we really want cute animated videos during an economic crises?

I've been cruelly mocked and shunned for picking tracks off the Skins series. I have been told that even googling the track using the keyword "skins" is considered as high treason and a sign of complete ignorance for " real and decent indie music". Well this video be it official or not found through intense "Skins googling" proves the contrary.

2009 is not exactly a time for celebration and excess. In a time of hardcore credit crunch, dare smile in the street and you're suspected of being either a smug banker or trader with massive bonuses, and should consider yourself lucky not to be taken hostage by desperate and unemployed factory workers (phenomenon currently taking place in France).
However whilst ( secretly) skimming through the Skins music listings I came across this song "Jump in" by High Places which is played in Episode 6, and I truely believe that this video is just what the doctor ordered.

Yes it's a video about cute animals , yes it's all a bit playschoolish and we would all look so much cooler if we spent hours talking about the gripping reality of Dj Mehdi videos, but seriously in a time when everyone is worrying about how they are going to pay next months rent, don't you think it's about time we watched a video that looks like a film about Haribo on drugs and just sit back and enjoy the simplicity of animals swimming about in a river?
This does not make you a teletubby lover, nor a mishy mushy sponge, just someone with a bit of sensitivity who enjoys something thats a bit soft around the edges, in a time when the only other thing thats gone soft and mushy is your wallet and your future.

Other than just enjoying a colourful and playful video, High Places were considered by Stereogum in their review of the band in December 2008 as the band to be watching, defining it as " two brooklyn kids with dire at heart and carefree melodies, with a really luminescent melodic psych"
So to be fair yes this song was found on skins, yes the video is about a crocodile a bird and a squirrely thingy but isn't it nice to feel like you are playing with playdoh at playschool again with not a care in the world.

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